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We focus primarily on excellence in lighting design. Our walked path in automotive exterior lighting design and further, has granted us the opportunity, to bring together lighting experts and suppliers in Europe and PR of China. Knowledge, experience and network of experts attracted, have enabled us to create lean and responsive community, with maximum time saving, price-to-performance and quality effects. Still, that is not all.

We are innovative, flexible, professional, transparent and responsive.

Our customer benefits:

  • All sorts of lighting (automotive, home, marine, street, aerospace…)

  • Experience with OEM, Tier 1 and Tier 2 

  • 3D design of components and systems, made of  thermoplasts, duroplasts and sheetmetals

  • DFA, DFM, DFMEA, SFMEA, PFMEA support 

  • All simulations (optical, CFD, FEM, kinematics, mouldflow…)

  • Project managing on all levels

  • Creative design support and evaluations

  • Technical support and consulting on component and system levels (tooling, materials, assembly, used technologies…)

  • Crisis management and all resolvement support

  • SOR (Statement of requirements) support

  • RFQ and RFI support, along with supplier feedback evaluation

  • Project transfer evaluation and support

  • Various innovations evaluation, support and proposals, extending beyond lighting

  • Root cause analysis on components, products and projects

  • Health evaluations of on-going projects, their price and design efficiency and transparency

  • Readiness evaluation and preparations of components and parts for different project stages

  • Providing better price and performance of projects, cooperating with our suppliers in PR of China

  • Connecting European and Chinese suppliers and OEMs

  • On-site support, wherever and anytime in the world, instantly and without time limit

  • Industrialization and build support

  • Support and solutions in project managing, design, assembly, quality, purchasing…

  • Knowledge and experience usable not only in lighting, but also on other fields and areas of various industries (medical, workspace, personal use, tools, gadgets, various innovations...)

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